Top SEO Tips and Mistakes to Avoid | DIY AdWords Tips | Social Media Tips (and Mistakes to Avoid) | Small Business Web Marketing Tips 2013-2014

Why Is Google Analytics Useless?

Now that Google has decided to encrypt almost all keyword data (this is why you keep seeing "not provided" in your Google Analytics organic results), Google Analytics is now useless to your marketing efforts. Keyword data is critical for businesses to succeed online and without it you are flying blind. We highly recommend that you find an alternative Analytics program. Some are free and some are for a fee. has a low annual fee and provides excellent data from our intitial tests.


SEO and Responsive Design

1. There’s a lot of fear and confusion about Google’s updates regarding responsive web design. The fear factor comes into play when you read headlines like “your website will be penalized by Google if it’s not responsive.” The truth as we know it today is that Google will rank responsive web designs higher in mobile search (only in mobile searches – not desktop browser searches). If you are in a niche where no one has a responsive website then you either do nothing or be the first one to do it and reap potential profits via mobile search. See what your competitors are doing and act accordingly.


DIY AdWords

1. Make sure you keep up with your negative keywords often. Go to “Details” > “Keywords” > “All.”


Top Simple SEO Mistakes To Avoid (File Under: No-brainer)

1. Make sure that you do not have any broken links on your website and make sure that users can navigate to all of the content that you have on your website. "Use" your website every once and a while to make sure it's operating properly for your guests.


2. Make searchable content. Write content that relates to search. Example: don't exclusively say "buy widgets here," also add language like "where can I buy a widget?" or "what is a widget and where can I buy it?" Try to add search terms that people actually use and describe what you do as fully as possible.


3. Title Tags and Description Tags. What you put here shows up in your snippet in search results. Writing these tags should be considered part of your marketing strategy and should be approached with care and consideration. The tags should entice people to click and demonstrate your credibility in relation to the users' searches. Try to individualize the Title and Description tags for each page.


4. Optimize your images (and add alt tags) so that your website can load as fast as possible.


Why Has Link Building Changed for SEO? Is Link Building Dead?

1. Google, as we know, has made numerous updates over the years and these updates have changed the landscape of SEO. Why is it more treacherous to link-build now? Because Google's definition of "bad" link-building is broad. From Google: “Any links intended to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme.”


2. When you get the e-mail that says something like "Buy 5,000 links for only $35," CLICK DELETE. This kind of "link-building" is dead and gone. Bury it.


Link-Building Is Dead, So Now What Is My Small Business Supposed To Do?

1. Link building shortcuts no longer work - the game has changed and you will need two things to compete: patience and time. Google is looking for naturally occurring links or editorial based links, and small businesses often do not have the time or resources to build links organically. Both require patience and building relationships in outreach. So what can the small business owner do to optimize their sites without resorting to unnatural link building techniques?


2. Get into social media. Dive in. This is a definite and absolute.


3. Get blogging. BUT, not everyone was cut out for blogging and it takes a lot of work to make a blog popular. Blogging makes social media look like child's play.


4. Make news and post press releases and try to establish relationships.

The good news is that while it is going to be more time-consuming, it is very DIY-friendly and it can be virtually FREE - as in no cost marketing.


Top Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

1. Don't talk business all the time and don't spend so much tooting your own horn that your following tunes out. Relate to the public also as individuals and engage visitors with lighter material.


2. On the other end of the spectrum, make sure not get too personal. Don't ever forget that you are a business. Just as with visual branding, your posts - whether about your business or lighter material posts - should have a "brand tone" that reflects who you are as business.


3. Vary your content. Brainstorm your strategy by writing down a list of 4 to 5 different categories of posts.


4. Don't forget that the point of social media is to create interaction. So don't just pump out links and posts. Interject questions from time to time and solicit perspectives from your varied followers.


5. You can't be super serious all the time. Social media can be like "a party," and we all know that at a party, people want to hang out with the person that can make them laugh. Find a way to interject humor and if possible do it in a way that still keeps the connection to your business.


6. Do not share other people's content without giving credit. Hold yourself to high character and keep good karma on your side. You'll want other people to give you credit when you have something original to share.